Jul 252023
REKREATUR Adriatic - Final Act 1- Oranje Tulpen

The current weather is incredibly similar to the one that accompanied us during our cycling “REKREATUR Adriatic 23″. Rain, thunderstorms, rain and a bite of sunshine in between. So it is time for its final act – the Blue Jersey ceremony for the winning teams. Final Result of the match surprised the organisers, as the [more]

Aug 262021
Today is the day!

Today, August 26, 2021 at 4:30 pm, from the GMain Square in Kranj, 7 teams consisting of members of the Rekreatur association will set off on a 230 km long journey through Gorenjska. At the same time, they will overcome as many as 2540 m of ascents and, of course, descents. Cycling is beginning of [more]

Jul 142021
First FIVE

The first FIVE teams consisting of members of Rekreatur association applied for this year’s Rekreatur. Among them are both winners – wearing orange shirts – last year. These are the Okrepčevalnica Nace and Kolonce Teams. The two Dutch teams are also together again and I sincerely hope that this year’s “Delta Covid 19″ does not happen [more]

Jul 192020
Rekreatur will be limited to 50 cyclists- hurry up and register your team!

We obtained a positive opinion from the National Institute of Public Health regarding the ‘New Coronoa virus – Covid 19′ implementation to the Rekreatur. In addition to all measures to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, it is essential that under the current government decree, the maximum number of visitors to a public event is limited [more]

Jun 302020
Holland leads!

We just got another team from Netherlands registered for Rekreatur 2020. ARJEN ROBBEN with eight team members therefore outnumbers for the first time all the Slovenian members which makes it very interesting. The name of ARJEN ROBBEN comes after a world known football player Arjen Robben who holds a silver medal from the FIFA World [more]

May 052020
FIRST three teams at Rekreatur 2020!

Despite uncertainty about the organization of events such as Rekreatur, there was an obvious gust of wind among his ‘followers’. The optimism of the organizers was joined by the first three teams with applications. According to tradition, here are the Dutch ORANJE  TULPEN with two teams joined and also the first Slovenian team KOLONCE from [more]